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Targeting the Inter-generational Transmission of Food Preferences: the Influence of Public Decision-Makers

Séminaire Moustapha SARR

Le prochain séminaire du GAINS
Targeting the Inter-generational Transmission of Food Preferences: the Influence of Public Decision-Makers

ombre public de dos conférencier en fond flouté

Le prochain séminaire du GAINS aura lieu le mardi 16 avril 2024 de 10h30 à 12h00 en salle T204. Moustapha SARR, en thèse à l'Université Paris Nanterre (sous la direction de Johanna ETNER et Noémi BERLIN), présentera "Targeting the Inter-generational Transmission of Food Preferences: the Influence of Public Decision-Makers".

We develop a theoretical model of food preferences inter-generational transmission in which parents want to transmit their own food preferences to their children but also have a concern for the public health conditions that are influenced by their socialization efforts. We find that, even if people fully care about public health, if the "intolerance" of parents with unhealthy food preferences is very high, the mechanism of food preferences transmission leads to a heterogeneous population where unhealthy food preferences persist. In this set-up, we show that public interventions (public good provision and nutritional education program) induce a distribution of food preferences which converge to an homogeneous population with healthy food preferences.

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