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Mardi 24 janvier 2023

Prochain séminaire du GAINS

Prochain séminaire du GAINS

Le prochain séminaire du GAINS a lieu le 24 janvier de 10h30 à 12h00 en salle T 204.


Jhon Jair GONZALEZ PULGARIN (Le Mans Université) présentera un papier intitulé Do Firing Costs Change Wages of Low and High Educated Workers Differently?



Abstract : Wages of high educated workers are affected differently by firing taxes than wages of low educated  workers. Using a variety of data sources, we evaluate the effects of increasing firing taxes across the  United States on wages of high and low educated workers, in particular, we analyze how changes in the regulation of the employment-at-will across states affected the wages between 1970-1995. The results suggest a positive effect for low educated workers and no significant effects for the high educated. The standard search and matching model with endogenous search and two type of agents yields similar results under specific parametric values. 

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