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Séminaire d'Imen DALY

Séminaire d'Imen DALY

Séminaire d'Imen DALY

ombre public de dos conférencier en fond flouté

Le prochain séminaire du GAINS aura lieu le 25 juin 2024 de 10h30 à 12h00 en salle T209.

Imen DALY (Université Paris-Saclay) présentera"Tax Incentives on New Construction or Renovated Housing? Evidence from France"


This paper investigates the impact of a policy aimed at promoting rental investments through tax incentives for properties rented below market rates. It examines the effects on targeting new construction versus renovation of existing properties. To identify the causal effects, we use panel data at a fine spatial scale, spanning the years before and after policy implementation. Our approach involves a spatial difference-in-differences method, comparing initially excluded cities that later joined the policy with cities at their frontier that remained excluded. Our findings indicate that tax incentives for new housing had minimal effects on property prices and the supply of new units but may have redirected investments from non-eligible to adjacent eligible areas. In contrast, tax incentives for renovating old properties stimulated renovation activity, as evidenced by an increase in renovated homes and the sale of vacant units, thereby reducing price pressure.

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