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Séminaire de Hafedh BOUAKEZ

Séminaire de Hafedh BOUAKEZ

Séminaire de Hafedh BOUAKEZ

ombre public de dos conférencier en fond flouté

Le prochain séminaire du GAINS aura lieu le 1er octobre 2024 de 10h30 à 12h00 en salle T201. Selma Malmberg (Le Mans Université & CEPREMAP) présentera "Income tax fluctuations and uncertainty in France".


Income tax (and income-tested benefit policies) in France have fluctuated considerably over time, mainly driven by changes in presidential leadership that I document using micro-level data. Meanwhile, income inequalities have remained relatively stable. I study the macroeconomic consequences of these changes in tax using a simple model of heterogeneous agents calibrated on French data. I then study the effects of the resulting aggregate uncertainty modelled as a three-state stochastic fiscal regime.

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Meeting ID: 989 8177 0800
Passcode: 436584

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